Sunday, April 19, 2015

Passports - Check!

I wrote this on April 6th. I thought I oublished it, but I guess not. It's a little late, but still relavant!

Our passports arrived today! Such an amazing feeling to open the mailbox and know exactly what is in that stack before I even took them out! One steps closer! We still have a way to go financially, but I know that God will provide. It's happening! I love listening to the kids pray for God to provide, and I love the gentle reminders (when I freak out) that God is in control.

I find myself thinking back to my last mission trip. Things were so different. It was Russia in 2001. I was single, and John Hughes was like a father to me. I can remember feeling unsettle while we walked through Red Square, and I just stayed close to John. I had the best rommie ever! Penny Orth...I never would have guessed back then that her daughters would play such an intricate part of my life. Life is so amazing...God is so amazing.